Man seeks peace order against in-laws

Harare magistrate Sharon Mashavira, however, dismissed the application after the applicant failed to explain how they were breaching his peace.

A Harare man approached the civil court seeking a peace  order against his in-laws after accusing them of denying him food and threatening to evict him from their house.

Harare magistrate Sharon Mashavira, however, dismissed the application after the applicant failed to explain how they were breaching his peace.

Tellmore Tinarwo had applied for a peace order against his late wife’s younger sister, Anatoria, and her brothers Fungai and Pretro Mabasa.  Tinarwo said the respondents had breached his peace after his late wife’s funeral.

 “They took away all the food that was left at my house during my wife’s funeral, leaving me with nothing to survive on,” he submitted.

“My brothers-in-law also harass me and take away money from my tenants.”  The three siblings dismissed his claims as lies. 

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