Eliminate toxins, disease with healthy colon

BY now, most of us know that the food we eat is a vital factor in determining our health.

BY now, most of us know that the food we eat is a vital factor in determining our health.

On the flip side of the coin, there is another factor of equal, if not greater, importance that is sometimes completely overlooked and always underestimated.

This often ignored area of health maintenance concerns the elimination of waste and toxins from your body.

While it is practically impossible to overestimate the importance of putting good things into your body, it is more likely that people underestimate the importance of getting waste out of their bodies.

A good reliable set of bowels is worth more to a person than any quantity of brains. All cells must take in nutrients to maintain their metabolism and their life.

As a result of this metabolism, every one of our approximately 100 trillion cells also produces waste. To maintain optimal health, you must eliminate this waste efficiently.

Every cell and every organ in your body eliminates waste and is affected by waste elimination from the body as a whole. The state of your colon determines the health of your body. It is your colon that eliminates the bulk of the most toxic and putrid waste in your body.

When you obtain energy from the food you eat, you create a waste product that should be eliminated within 24 hours.

However, meat-based, high fat and low fibre diet that most people prefer pushes back this elimination process to between 72 and 96 hours. Because of this slow elimination process, the waste begins a toxic build-up that creates numerous problems for the colon and other parts of the body.

If the waste is not quickly eliminated from the colon through bowel movement, it turns into a toxic and decayed waste that is absorbed into the rest of your system.

In the long run, this affects the functioning of every cell and organ in your body.

It poisons the blood, lymphatic system and brain while also clogging the heart, vascular system, lungs and sinuses.

A proper diet is one that provides necessary nourishment for the body and facilitates proper waste and removal and cleansing from the cellular level in the colon.

However, the typical daily diet featuring an abundance of meat, dairy, fried and overcooked foods, sugar, starches, salt and artificial chemicals is hard to digest.

Very little of it can be assimilated as nutrition into our cells; it is high in toxic waste, fat and cholesterol and slow to eliminate through the colon because it has very low fibre.

Your colon and body would be much healthier on a high-fibre, low-fat vegetarian diet.

The body of a dead animal creates quite a stench after a couple days in hot weather. This stench gives us a good idea of what happens to meat inside the 98,6°C temperature of your body.

The comparison of a human colon with the colon of a carnivore, such as a dog, provides strong evidence that the human body is not designed to take meat.

The colon of a dog is smooth and straight like a stove pipe and takes a short, direct route. In contrast, the human colon turns back and forth along a convoluted pathway with many puckers, pouches, twists and turns.

A dog’s colon is designed to allow a short transit time for even hard to digest meat, cholesterol and fat without the need for fibre to move this long.

Most people’s colons have become stagnant gutters, collecting layers and pockets of toxins and putrid faeces and mucus that poison the blood stream and every cell and organ in the body.

Fibre acts as an intestinal broom to sweep things along in the colon while fat clogs up the intestines. It is vital to remember that all animal products such as meat, dairy and eggs have zero fibre, but high in fat.

In addition to constipation and increased risk of colon cancer, a meat-based, high fat and low fibre diet can cause a host of other colon-related problems, including diverticulosis (a condition in which there are small pouches or pockets in the wall or lining of any portion of the digestive tract) haemorrhoids (piles), irritable bowel syndrome, plastic colon and appendicitis.

These are all problems that can be caused by slow moving, hard and dry stools and can be cured by something as simple as a predominately raw foods, vegetarian diet, which is high in fibre, low in fat and produces soft, moist stools that are easily eliminated.

With time, a low fibre diet causes constipation interfering with the functioning of every cell, organ and gland resulting in the blood stream and lymph system becoming overloaded with toxins and sending poisons throughout the entire body clogging your system in the process.