Healthy masculinities, suicide and overcoming substance abuse in Zim

 Promoting emotional literacy and expression: Encouraging men to identify, understand, and express their emotions in healthy ways.
By Grace Chirenje Apr. 26, 2024

People must prioritise child abuse prevention month

As liberal democracies we cannot or will not prevent anyone from bearing children, even those who recklessly procreate.
By Amh Voices Apr. 6, 2024

Board evaluation, need to assess psychological safety

Normalise dissent, making it clear that dissenting views are not only tolerated but encouraged for well-rounded decision-making.
By Memory Nguwi Apr. 5, 2024

The maze: Adaptable practices to help cultivate healthy positive thinking

IN a day an average human being entertains over 60 000 thoughts, 90% of which are repetitive.
By Rutendo Kureya Apr. 4, 2024

Enhancing the hiring process

This leads to better job fit, boosting employee satisfaction and lowering turnover.
By Memory Nguwi Mar. 1, 2024

Ingutsheni overwhelmed by abandoned patients

In addition, three facilities provide forensic psychiatry services: Mlondolozi Special Institution, Harare Central Prison and Chikurubi Special Institution.
By Patricia Sibanda Jan. 7, 2024

Mental health and road safety

 Road safety efforts should include awareness about the mental health factors that can affect our ability to be safe drivers and safe pedestrians.
By Chido Rwafa-madzvamutse Dec. 31, 2023

Ingutsheni in dire straits

Coltart toured the city’s health facilities on Monday to get an appreciation of the challenges they are facing after the local authority announced a 120-hour water-shedding regime.
By Nizbert Moyo Dec. 20, 2023

Inmates wallow in jail without trial

Psychologist Pardon Taodzera urged the judicial system to expedite trials, citing their detrimental mental health impact on prisoners.
By Problem Masau Dec. 15, 2023