A 2014 mind shift!

Editorial Comment
2013 has gone and so much transpired. I am glad, it has been great year for those who love learning. It had its twists and turns.

2013 has gone and so much transpired. I am glad, it has been great year for those who love learning. It had its twists and turns, but the smart person will agree with me that in times of hardships that’s when great people are revealed.


Talking of hardships or storms, Winston Churchill once said: “Kites rise highest against the wind — not with it.”

As we step into 2014 it we should know that 2013 will never be. We should not be mentally clouded by its mistakes and fail to see great things that the future has in store for us. We should learn to enjoy our “now” to the fullest so that when tomorrow comes we do not regret.

Some of our regrets today are because we did not properly handle our “yesterday” intelligently.

There are better reasons to get into 2014 with a proper mindset and a renewed outlook.

This is that the time again where we write our resolutions. To help you work your our own resolutions, I have created an acronym out of the word RESOLUTIONS:

R — Reinvent your mindset. Learn from the past, but don’t stay there. E — Excellence should be your core value so as to build confidence from other people. S — Set clear and precise goals that affect you intellectually, relationally, spiritually and financially O — Organise yourself by having a written daily growth programme. L — Learn through books, seminars, and success experts. U — Understand that failure is not the end but another chance try more wisely. T — Try new concepts and be a leader of change. I — Invest financially into your dream. O — Observe experts so as to be mentored and get a model N — Nurture other people from what you have learnt in 2013. S — Seize every opportunity in faith, prayer and with a focus.

You carry so much potential and that it has to utilised. Potential can be simply defined as latent ability or unused success. Your brain power is so unmeasurable it will even surprise you if stretch is a little bit.

It’s time to stop moaning and musing on your grave of your past mistakes. Here is a poem that will spark flames of greatness in you:

“Have you failed your examinations? Write again!

Did you fail the track race? Try rugby!

You have failed to change? Change your habits!

You have failed in leadership? Be part of listenership!

You failed to score? Try another angle!

Have you failed in courtship? Try being single!

You didn’t do well in breast stroke? Try the back stroke!

You didn’t have sales in R&B? Try rock!

You didn’t make it in prose? Try poetry!

You couldn’t drive there? Try walking there!

You couldn’t carry the load? Try it in morsels!

You couldn’t climb the mountain? Go round and round until you reach its crest!

You couldn’t manage when you were tired? Take some rest!

You are frustrated because of the same level? Fight more, to be the best!

You have always failed in life? Avoid stinking thinking!

You think you are cursed? Why not think like you are blessed!

Have you failed in football? Try hand ball!

You failed in good parenting? Try with a smile!

You can’t get there? Try another mile!

You failed in a beauty pageant? Spruce up your face!

You failed to reach your next level in time? Increase your pace!

You have failed in the boxing match? You need exercise!

Have you failed in public speaking! Start by private rehearsals!

Have you failed in striking a deal? Learn negotiating skills!

Have you failed in marriage? Try some other perfume!

They didn’t reply to your application, write another resume!”

  • (Source: from the book The Big You by Jonah Nyoni)You have no excuse to die poor. Wake up to the new day of power, potential and possibilities. Arouse the leader in you and grab better days ahead! Jonah Nyoni is an author, success coach and motivational speaker