BCC approves US$6,5m building plans

BULAWAYO City Council

BULAWAYO City Council (BCC) in June approved building plans valued at US$6 523 808, an increase of 32,95% compared to the previous month.

According to the Building Control section monthly reports, housing and community services director Dictor Khumalo reported that 328 building plans had been processed.

“A total of 328 building plans had been processed in the month of June. Of these, 230 building plans with a value of US$6 523 808 were approved, while 98 were referred back for corrections. There was an increase of 32,95% on approved plans compared to the total approved in May 2024,” the report read.

“A total of 220 building plans with a value of US$6 409 000 were submitted in June 2024, a decrease of 3,08% compared to last month’s figure.

“A possible US$64 090 was, therefore, raised from plan submissions as plan submission fees. A total of 1 620 inspections were carried out in June 2024.”

Council stated that from these inspections, 26 dilapidated buildings were revisited and 40 advertising signs were captured and accordingly processed.

“A possible total of US$14 209,90 was raised from building inspections, advertising signs and other section activities,” the report read.

“Such buildings became a hive for immoral activities and teenage drug abuse. Some shop buildings were not maintained, becoming an eyesore.”

The Department of Housing and Community Services said that currently, it was concentrating on the central business district unsightly buildings.

“Other buildings around the city were responded to once reported or identified. Due to limited resources for building inspectors to identify dangerous buildings, concentration was on public buildings. Efforts would be made to deal with such buildings.”

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