The power of positive attitude

Success needs to be activated, nurtured and attracted. In my article last week I touched on attitude in passing and now we should delve deeper into it. The success stories we see around us first existed in the mindset of individuals. Research has shown that, what you constantly think abou, you ultimately bring about.

Success needs to be activated, nurtured and attracted. In my article last week I touched on attitude in passing and now we should delve deeper into it. The success stories we see around us first existed in the mindset of individuals. Research has shown that, what you constantly think abou, you ultimately bring about.

In that vein, what is impressed in your subconscious will eventually be expressed. To alter your future, you simply need to change your mindset or your attitude.

On the driveway to destiny, the most dangerous thing to do is stick your eye on the rearview mirror. Thinking of history that happened to you changes nothing, but keeps you on the same level. Our past could have been made or marred by mistakes, but we can’t change anything about it, it’s all gone. The past could have been tainted, tarnished and twisted, but one thing I like is that we can use our “now time” to determine our courses of destiny. Your future is on a pure platter and it only needs to be plied towards by passionately, patiently, purposefully and positively planning for it, not forgetting to pay the price by means of action.

I think failure is not the most dangerous thing on earth, but failing to rise up again after you have fallen! You need to embrace a positive attitude. Failing is not falling, but staying down when you have fallen. You where never meant to stay on the floor. Life might have beaten you up, treated you unfairly, and splashed cold water on your face, but you should have the temerity and sagacity to fight on. Life will never be easy. In fact if it was easy everyone could be successful. It is so unsafe to think that failure is your final fatal destination. You just need to rethink your life and have the best picture of what you want to be.

The innovative mind cannot fully function if you are always returning or referring to the rubbish bin for new things. What does the bin carry? Fix your eyes into the future, just reflect, but never revert to the past! The Bible paints it like this: “Don’t remember these earlier events; don’t recall these former events. Look, I am about to do something new. Now it begins to happen! Do you not recognise it? Yes, I will make a road in the desert and paths in the wilderness”(Isaiah 43: 18-19).

To put much thought on negative circumstances make a person fail and falter, but confidence in the positive propels you to the top. For example, failing a subject at school does not mean you are going to fail again, but that’s how most people have programmed their subconscious mind. They always think they will never amount to anything in life.

Generally, going to the top is against the law of gravity, but faith is the fervent force that’s able to keep you afloat. I have known it to be the only force able to oppose the laws of nature. Faith is a fire strong enough making it impossible for you to be burnt-out by external fires or buried under the high tide of failure. It is that force that makes you see things that are non-existent, but only in the mind. Les Brown says FAITH stands for: Finding Answers In The Heart.

An empty life is not defined by the absence of money, but the lack of purpose. Sadly, “the poorest man in the world is a man without a dream. The most frustrated man in the world is the man with a dream that never becomes reality”, wrote Myles Munroe. Here are five means to keep you motivated for success:

lPassion: Be passionate about life and success. Look forward to better days ahead. There is nothing so demoralising like a person that has lost the drive, determination and direction for their life.

lPurpose: Passion without purpose is as bad as trying to shoot an unseen target. This is what is called a misdirected intention. This is purely wasted purpose. Know your purpose because where purpose is not known, abuse is unavoidable. For example, we can use nostrils to breathe out cigarette smoke, but that’s not their true purpose.


lPaint the future: Have vivid and succinct pictures of what you want. Create the future you want and find people that will help you get there. Paint your life creatively at the back of your mind. See yourself earning the money you want. See yourself enjoying the best stay here on earth. After all, if there is nothing to enjoy, what is there to live for? Take pain as lessons to the best life.

lPlanning: Plan your course. The builder will always finish the structure on paper before doing the actual construction. The opposite is a disaster which most people do. Builders don’t start with a finished skyscraper — you start with a plan. Brian Tracy in his book, 21 Success Secrets of Self-made Millionaires, says 97% of adults have not written goals for their lives. By writing your goals you will have a competitive edge over everyone who does not write them and helps you stick to your purpose.

lPlying: Ply the route of your dreams. Vision without venture is void. It is as good as writing policies that will never be implemented. Put your goals into action!

lPositivity: The route to greatness gets rutted and rough at times. As a result, the faint-hearted give up to the grip of mediocrity. You just need to stay focused, fired and fervent.

Conclusion: Paul J Meyer puts it like this: “Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon . . . must inevitably come to pass!” I believe you are unstoppable, it’s all in the mind! Go for it!

lJonah Nyoni is an author, success coach, leadership trainer and public relations consultant. He can be contacted on 0772 581 918 or email: [email protected]