The commonwealth in education

Parents must understand that each school is part of a bigger commonwealth and part of a bigger picture than simply that school.
By Tim Middleton Jul. 30, 2023

Robin Hood and parenthood

These are all “hoods” that we will salute and respect.
By Tim Middleton Oct. 9, 2022

New York governor resigns: Beware what you wish for others

BY KENNETH MUFUKA I started my journalistic career under the wise and brotherly guidance of Sunday Mail’s Willie Musarurwa. He always reminded us about balance not only in one’s affairs, but in public discourse as well. “Beware what you wish for others,” was his constant reminder. New York governor Andrew Cuomo is the quintessential demagogue […]

By The Southern Eye Aug. 15, 2021

New York governor resigns: Beware what you wish for others

BY KENNETH MUFUKA I started my journalistic career under the wise and brotherly guidance of Sunday Mail’s Willie Musarurwa. He always reminded us about balance not only in one’s affairs, but in public discourse as well. “Beware what you wish for others,” was his constant reminder. New York governor Andrew Cuomo is the quintessential demagogue […]

By The Southern Eye Aug. 15, 2021